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Train less Frequent Get more Results. High intensity-Low Volume

Train less Frequent Get more Results. High intensity-Low Volume

May 12, 20248 min read

Doing high intensity and low volume you can build more muscle and in fact get stronger by training less days…

Homemade Calcium Powder For Stronger Bones (just 1 ingredient)

Homemade Calcium Powder For Stronger Bones (just 1 ingredient)

Feb 27, 20244 min read

Calcium supplements are one of the most consumed supplements in the world. It’s supply and demand which results in overpriced…

The 5 Benefits Of Playing Chess For Mental Health.

The 5 Benefits Of Playing Chess For Mental Health.

Feb 7, 20245 min read

This might seem out of the ordinary from the fitness perspective of things here, but mental fitness is just as…

The Do’s & Don’ts When Trying To Lose Face Fat

The Do’s & Don’ts When Trying To Lose Face Fat

Jan 29, 20248 min read

If you’re someone looking to get rid of face fat and actually lose it, not mask it, or are tired…

Bone Broth

Bone Broth. A Traditional Super Food For Overall Health!

Jan 21, 20246 min read

Bone Broth has been used in Asia and has served as both medicine and a supplement for people of all…

Walking 10000 steps

Walking Made Easier! Get In 10,000 Steps Everyday Effortlessly.

Jan 18, 20246 min read

Walking is one thing that both doctors and fitness instructors agree with as far as physical & mental health goes.…

Don’t Like Tracking Calories? Just Eat These (Vegetarian Edition)

Don’t Like Tracking Calories? Just Eat These (Vegetarian Edition)

Nov 8, 202311 min read

Ever feel like you can’t eat anything without having to check out the calories out of fear of gaining weight.…

What’s The Secret To Building Muscle & Losing Fat?

What’s The Secret To Building Muscle & Losing Fat?

Oct 29, 20236 min read

You might have heard this everywhere that it is some secret that only trainers know of that can magically help…

Weight Gain After Marriage. Causes & Remedies

Weight Gain After Marriage. Causes & Remedies

Oct 2, 20236 min read

Many couples suffer from sudden weight gain after marriage. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman. Research…

how to run faster

How To Run Faster! (Training these Muscles Increases Speed)

Aug 30, 20236 min read

If your goal is to be able to run faster, whether it is for sport or in general. Despite running…

Key factors For Burning Fat & Building Muscle

Key factors For Burning Fat & Building Muscle

Aug 9, 20236 min read

Burning fat & building muscles can become a tedious task and no matter what you do it’s to no avail.…

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